Discover 80+ teaching points, 24 Ranges and 60+ rules and protocols to meet all the UHP standards. You will be drawn into the intrigue and intensity of the physiological and anatomical changes your body will go through as you complete this level.
Everything inside the Fundamentals & Intermediate Bundle
4 Workshops - Root Causes of Pain
80 + Teaching Points
6 Fundamental (4 Lower Body, 2 Upper Body) ROMs (Ranges of Motion), Rules and Protocols
Calf, Foot & Achilles
The UHP “New Paradigms” Charts to Focus Your Efforts on the Correct Training Methods
- Bonus video: Interview with Joe Hippensteel
- All 24 UHP ROMs for Elite level Body Performance to achieve a Pain and Injury Free Lifestyle
Additional Benefits
- Advanced class, 2.5 hours of all 24 ranges of motion, 7 students demonstrating each position, multiple reps, an incredible class.
- Supplemental Techniques: Tricks of the trade to speed progress and recovery for gaining perfect Ranges of Motion (ROMs), using a ball, props, correct positions, a cane, HIPP 86 Trigger point techniques, and more.